COLOURS - European University Alliance
Our mission and commitment
Based on a shared vision to deeply intensify our transnational collaborations in a sustainable, co-creative community of practice, we – nine universities with strong regional connections and partnerships – have joined forces to form the European University Alliance COLOURS (COLlaborative innOvative sUstainable Regional univerSities). We are united by a willingness to transform our existing partnerships into a dynamic European inter-university ecosystem, which is open and responsive to the needs and challenges of our times. Each individual institution will use the power of this strong Alliance to generate multiple benefits for European societies.
We believe that a profound and systemic transformation of our academic institutions is needed to create a COLOURful innovative, value-driven and sustainable European University of the future.
Our mission is to transform the European Education and Research Area by shifting from topic-driven to challenge- and impact-driven education and innovation, through the implementation of openness, responsibility, diversity, sustainability, and the co-production of knowledge, ultimately redefining Academic Excellence.
COLOURS in figures
126 000
12 300
associated partners
The alliance includes the following universities:
- University of Paderborn (Germany)
- Le Mans University (France)
- University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)
- University of Ferrara (Italy)
- Kristianstad University (Sweden)
- Jan Dlugosz University (Poland)
- Josip Jurai Strossmayer University Osijek (Croatia)
- University St Kliment Ohridski Bitola (North Macedonia)
- Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (Latvia)
For Students
Our Alliance aims to promote openness to the world and the discovery of other cultures. The privileged links we have with COLOURS partners enable us to promote and multiply opportunities. Students can benefit from physical, virtual, and hybrid mobility programs, which vary in length—from short mobilities, such as a week, to longer durations, like a semester or a year. COLOURS inter-connected infrastructure provides numerous resources and multicultural activities (virtual journey week, language café etc.) , including access to joint degrees, double degrees, scholarships, and internships.
- Mobility programs, joint degrees, and micro-credentials offered by COLOURS
For Researchers
Researchers and academic staff benefit from collaborative research opportunities offered by the Alliance. It actively promotes interdisciplinary research and supports projects that positively impact society through the possibility of a large pool of partners and easier networking for joint projects. The CoLab is part of COLOURS mission to encourage networking and the development of joint research projects involving all the stakeholders in the local eco-systems for innovation, as well as promoting the development of entrepreneurial skills and the creation of student enterprises
- CoLabs: 63 innovation processes that foster collaboration and creativity, addressing key societal challenges such as green, digital, and social transitions. These thematic programs are run in partnership with academic and external stakeholders across Europe and open to students and staff to brainstorm on tomorrow's challenges and finding solutions. They include entrepreneurial skills development phases for students, allowing them to gain international professional experience.
For Staff
Professional development and mobility programs, microcredentials, webinars, COLOURS cafés and so on.
For Regional Stakeholders
The Alliance supports career development opportunities across nine European regions. These include workshops, seminars, and access to a vast network of industrial partners.
- CoSpaces: Collaborative physical meeting spaces designed to bring together stakeholders from universities, businesses, civil society, and governmental institutions. These dynamic hubs foster co-creation, innovation, and cross-sector partnerships by providing an environment that encourages dialogue, shared problem-solving, and the development of impactful solutions.
- CoHub: A transformative digital platform that fosters collaboration among stakeholders, enhancing education and learning within the Alliance and beyond. CoHub expands access and opportunities, empowering students, educators, and partners to drive innovative educational practices.
- Invitations to participate in innovation ecosystems and events and propose challenges for microcredential programs, opportunities for internships, networking with researchers