du 29 au 31 octobre 2018

2ème édition de la Conférence Franco-Chinoise d'Acoustique (FCAC)

Lieu : IUT, Le Mans Université

Contact : contact-fcac@univ-lemans.fr

En savoir plus

2ème édition de la Conférence Franco-Chinoise d'Acoustique (FCAC)

Franco-Chinese Acoustic Conference (FCAC)


La 2ème édition de la Conférence Franco-Chinoise d'Acoustique (FCAC) se déroulera du 29 au 31 octobre 2018 au Mans.




This conference aims at bringing together the French and Chinese acoustic communities to enhance scientific interactions and collaborations as well as sharing good practices in a positive collaborative environment.

FCAC is organized around 9 sessions chaired by a pair of European and Chinese researchers and will cover the following topics:

  • Acoustic and elastic wave propagation in wave guide and complex media
  • Acoustic and elastic wave scattering
  • Vibroacoustics and noise reduction
  • Acoustical imaging
  • Underwater noise
  • Acoustic and elastic metamaterials
  • Physical acoustic
  • Electro-acoustics
  • Ultrasounds, signal processing, and NDT/E

This conference is therefore a timely and unique opportunity for cross-fertilizing both communities.

+ d'infos : http://fcac.univ-lemans.fr/fr/index.html

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