
VIPS² - Violences, Innovations, Politiques, Socialisations et Sports - Equipe d'Accueil 4636

Violence, Innovations, Policies, Socialisationsand Sports Laboratory (VIPS²) - Research group 4636

Universities Rennes 2 and Le Mans, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Rennes

The VIPS² focuses on three questions around physical, sporting and artistic activities (PSAA):

What are the processes involved in the penetration of PSAAs in social spaces or in resistance to them?

How do PSAAs play a part in social and cultural integration?

What are the levers for transformation of PSAAs and their impacts on environments?

It is a question of understanding and explaining the behaviours and actions of individuals and social groups, and of suggesting recommendations for the relevant stakeholders.


 45 people including
20 teacher-researchers | 4 at Le Mans
15 doctoral students | 5 at Le Mans
2 design engineers and 1 BIATSS staff member | 1 IGE at Le Mans
6 ATERs (temporary research assistants) | 2 at Le Mans


The laboratory’s contractual activity is important, with public bodies (World Anti-Doping Agency, Ministry of Youth, City and Sports), local authorities, regional councils (Pays de la Loire), federations and private companies (French Cycling Federation, French Football Federation).


  • Multidisciplinarity: History, Sociology, Psychology, Management, Political Sciences, Legal Sciences, Sciences of Intervention.
  • Partnerships with stakeholders from the world of education (academic inspection, ESPE, etc.)


Director: Michaël Attali (Rennes 2 University)
Head of the Le Mans site: Omar Zanna | Omar.Zanna @

More informations:
Download the presentation sheet of VIPS2 (EN)
Visit the website of VIPS2

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