
CReAAH - Centre de Recherche en Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire - UMR CNRS 6566

Centre for research in Archeology, Archeo-sciences, History (CReAAH) - UMR CNRS 6566

Universities of Nantes, Rennes 1, Rennes 2 and Le Mans, Ministry of Culture, CNRS


Archaeology (archaia) and history (historiè) are the sciences that study the past. They were forged and practised in the 5th century B.C. by Herodotus and Thucydides. They seek to understand ancient human societies through material vestiges, artefacts or ecofacts, and textual and illustrated/iconographic documents. This knowledge makes it possible to take a long-range and explanatory look at current societies. The laboratory studies the societies of Antiquity and the Middle Ages and more specifically addresses the themes of landscapes and the environment, colonisation and interchanges, cultural and social identities.


 140 people including:
77 researchers and teachers-researchers | 6 at Le Mans
30 doctoral students | 10 at Le Mans
33 administrative and technical staff | 3 at Le Mans



  • Close cooperation with other French, European and international laboratories, including in Italy, Romania, Greece, Israel, Morocco, Australia and Spain.
  • Close partnerships with Cultural Affairs Directorates, Regional Archaeology Services, Heritage, Culture and Archaeology departments of local authorities, particularly in Western France, INRAP, ADRAMAR, private archaeology companies (Archeodunum, Dendrotech, Evéha, Hades), the ONF (National Forestry Office), the natural parks of Normandy-Maine and Baronnies provençales, French schools abroad.


Robotic laser tacheometer, Atlantic and Mediterranean charcoals collection.
The scientific positioning of the laboratory is situated at the interface of Humanities and social science and biological, chemical and physical earth sciences in order to develop archaeosciences. The projects carried out have strong territorial roots (Ancient walls of Le Mans, medieval Mainiote fortifications, habitat and activities in the forest of Perseigne/Bercé).


Director: Marie-Yvane Daire (Rennes 2 University)
Head of the Le Mans site: Aline Durand |

More informations:

Download the presentation sheet of CReAAH (EN)
Visit the website of CReAAH

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